14 julio 2018


Andrés Rueda was born in Piedrahita ( ávila ) in 1956. While living in Catalonia he studied in the Escuela de Bellas Artes in Sabadell (Barcelona). Later he perfected his technique and craftsmanship in various ateliers of prestigious masters painters until, with the knowledge and experience obtained, he decided to follow his own path and discovered his enduring passion for landscape painting.

Andrés Rueda, has now fully matured as a painter and has established his personal criteria. As his very personal aesthetic he has chosen a style of painting that, although fully contemporary, is also an echo of tendencies that triumphed in past centuries: Pre- Rafaelism, Symbolism, Impressionism and neo- impressionism.

This close relationship and dialogue that he maintains with his best friend, the landscape, must both surprise and be admired.

When viewing this deep and mutual understanding, it becomes obvious that landscapes have offered up to him their most intimate secrets, opening to him their deepest nuances and hitherto unrecognized perceptions. They have opened limitless new perspectives and horizons to him where commercial repetitions and dangerous affectations have no place.

During his long artistic career Andrés paintings has been exhibited widely in prestigious galleries of Europe, USA , Russia, Taiwan and Shanghai and are part of important Art Collections worldwide.


藝術家提供的資料 :
Andrés Rueda 早年自加泰隆尼亞的藝術學院畢業後陸續跟過幾位藝術大師學習,之後便走出自己的路,展現對風景畫的熱情。他發展出一種獨特的繪畫風格,混合了拉斐爾前派、象徵主義、印象主義和新印象主義。他將之用 在他的最愛—風景畫,令人驚艷。如果深入去看他的畫作,似乎大自然很願意對他敞開胸懷,毫無保留地呈現出另一層次的美感,這是商業作品所看不到的。細碎的筆觸、鮮豔的色彩、強烈的對比、濃厚的氛圍,他的畫作引人入勝。歐洲、美國和俄羅斯的 知名畫廊都曾展出他的作品,而且也被列入重點收藏。

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